europafrica, 02-08-2013 15:11:12 |
I sort of agree with Jade Leprechaun. Bush is arguably the worst prnediest America has ever had, and irrespective of whether the next prnediest is Republican or Democrat, he can't possibly screw things up more. But America's days of world domination are numbered. In 2007, for the first time since the 19th century, the average per capita income in Britain was higher than in the US. Increasingly, oil exporters don't want to be paid in greenbacks. And America isn't the only superpower. The other one is world public opinion. [url=]vdkbtdx[/url] [link=]tljqypspjaj[/link] |
info, 30-07-2013 17:58:19 |
I follow your EW ailsyans and find your charts shed some light on a complex subject. Just looked back at your gold/euro chart and I have a question .is the 1201 area the 1.618 of 0 to 3 rather than an equality measure? If so, an even more extended 5th wave!Thanks.Jim |
conference, 29-07-2013 17:54:58 |
11 internautes sura012 ont trouve9 ce comarntmiee utilea0 Simple et ne9anmoins complet, 6 fe9vrier 2012Para0 (France) a0a0 Ce comarntmiee fait re9fe9rence e0 cette e9ditiona0: Psychologie positive : le bonheur dans tous ses e9tats (Broche9) Un livre facile e0 aborder, agre9able e0 lire. Il me semble, meame s il ne rentre pas dans chaque the8me en profondeur, qu il donne un bon apere7u de la psychologie positive. Ide9al pour aborder ce sujet.Aidez d autres clients e0 trouver les comarntmiees les plus utilesa0Avez-vous trouve9 ce comarntmiee utilea0?a0 | a0 |